Creamy Caramel with Cream Passionel
Y’all, this stuff is amazing. Use it to decorare your dessert platter, mix a big dollop into your vegan yogurt, use it as a sugar substitute for your coffee or just eat it by the spoonful. I know I’ll be doing the latter.
1 tub of WildWestLand Cream Passionel
1 can of condensed coconut milk
1 tsp apple vinegar or lemon or lime juice
Boil the can of condensed coconut milk in a covered pot for three hours. Make sure the can is always completely covered by water. When the caramel is done and has cooled down, mix in the WildWestLand Cream Passionel and the apple vinegar or lemon or lime juice. Let it stiffen up in the fridge and you’ve got yourself the best vegan caramel you have ever tasted.