Wanted: marketeer for Germany
WildWestLand, die supertolle vegane Fromance aus Holland crosses the German border. We are looking for a new marketing friend to make WildWestLand Annie world famous there, too!
What we are looking for:
Marketeer for Germany
(2 days a week to start with, might be more later.)
Our ideal candidate:
* preferably is of German nationality
* speaks German fluently and is fluent in Dutch and/or English
* has experience with B-to-C product introductions in German retail
* is enthusiastic about vegan cheese
* is in touch with the vegan (social) community
* sees the fun and potential in guerilla marketing techniques
* can translate/implement the WildWestLand tone of voice to German campaigns
* is experienced in running marketing projects independently
You can work from home for this job, or come to the office. We have a team meeting in person every quarter, and digitally whenever we need to talk shop or catch up.
Is it you we’re looking for? Fabelhaft. Tell us more about yourself at hvanderkaa@thosevegancowboys.com – und wir klappern bald.