Got places to go and people to see? We feel you. This Thai Noodle Salad can tag along on your plants and be eaten whenever you see fit. We got your back! Ingredients: 350 gr noodles, cooked 1 small bok choy, chopped finely ½ cucumber, diced 1 pointed pepper, diced 1 handful of cherry tomatoes, […]
Would you like to bring cheesy WildWestLand goodness along with you wherever you go? Whether it’s work, a family visit, a day in the park; this couscous is perfect to pop into your bag to be eaten on the go whenever you see fit. Ingredients: 275 gr pearl couscous, prepared as directed on the box […]
An extra long weekend calls for an elaborate brunch. And what’s a brunch without bagels? Right. Follow me for this bagel recipe that is not for the faint-hearted, but will surely spice up your day. Ingredients for 4 avocado and jalapeño bagels: 1 tub of WildWestland Garlic and Herb Affair 4 bagels 1 red onion, […]
For everyone being as big of a fan of Heel Holland Bakt as we are, we have this entry-level recipe for something that resembles baked goods, but is way more easier than that. Savory mini cheesecake party bites Quantity: 4 pieces Preparation time: 20 minutes + waiting time 3 hours Ingredients: 1 tub WildWestLand Garlic […]
Contrary to a popular saying, you can make an omelet without breaking a few eggs! Chickpeas are the base for this Easter brunch classic. This chickpea omelet à la Annie is ready in 10 minutes so you can participate in the vegan chocolate egg hunt. Recipe serves 2, but don’t be afraid to scale up. […]
Happy Valentine’s Day, my loves! ❤ Whether you spend it loving someone else or unapologetically loving yourself – this Date Night Mushroom Pasta will fill up your heart, and stomach, to the brim. Ingredients – serves 4: 1 tub of WildWestLand Garlic & Herb Affair 300 g spaghetti 1 tbsp neutral frying oil 1 onion, […]